Sweco Nederland developed their own DAT/EM Capture™ module as an interface between the Summit Evolution™ stereoplotter and dg DIALOG BGT. Objects digitized in Summit Evolution are stored directly into the dg DIALOG BGT database.

For more than 20 years Sweco Nederland (formerly Grontmij Nederland) has developed and sold dg DIALOG BGT on the Dutch market. dg DIALOG BGT is an application for collecting, creating and maintaining large scale topographical data. Of the more than 150 dg DIALOG BGT users, most are government organizations from all levels, such as municipalities, provinces, state-owned companies and water boards. Another category of users are engineering companies providing services in the geomatics industry.

Many dg DIALOG users are involved in creating and maintaining the so-called Basisregistratie Grootschalige Topografie (BGT), a geo-register in the system of national key registers in The Netherlands. The geometry component of the BGT register is an object-based map on the 1:1000 scale. Since maintaining the BGT is primarily a local government responsibility, municipalities are engaged in this process on a day-to day basis. Not surprisingly the user base of dg DIALOG BGT includes many (smaller and larger) municipal organisations. Examples are Rotterdam, Amsterdam and The Hague.

Since the inception of the BGT, stereoplotting has been adopted as a valuable tool for creating and maintaining the BGT, typically by larger organizations and/or municipalities who cooperate in the process. These users often acquire fully oriented stereo models based on nation-wide imagery produced and provided by The Netherlands central government. In the past three years, several users of dg DIALOG BGT have invested in a photogrammetry solution based on Summit Evolution.